Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Being Busy

Ever since Fall Break, I have been super busy trying to maintain great grades in college. Having an exam and a mid-term on the same week, I was not having the mindset of "flowing" through college like I have the knowledge to do so. Not leaving my dorm, except to get food, movie night, and Late Night, I was in my room reading and studying my class materials. Making a new plan for studying, I'm now maintaining on getting all my homework done during the week and being free on the weekend. Also, being in a poetic organization, I do be needing time to write, and memorize, my poems for upcoming events and just to continue growing as a poetic. Being busy is good because I do not be bored, or wanting to do something, but don't know what though because I am now maintaining on staying busy and succeeding in college.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Group Proposal

In this group proposal, my group was has worked great towards this presentation. Coming up with the theme of our work was very easy and working on it, with the instructor's requirements did not take long for us to get this done and out of the way. Finding and evaluating the websites about our topics was not difficult at all. With this topic, it was very easy and straight forward and knowing and understanding what we were aiming for about our proposal. Writing, evaluating, was not difficult either because we, the class, got helped from our instructor and did writing assignments in class on how to evaluate from websites. Our proposal will be presented the next time in class.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Team Project

Forming this group was not hard because we were in a group before talking about the names "meth baby" and "crack baby". Also, because we are good friends in Eng 103, it was a great choice for us to be grouped together because, we are just that awesome. Some topics we came up with, as a start, came by pretty fast and carried on to what we are, I am assuming, going to be talking about in this group project, but will be further finalize in class on Friday. Only having our project's theme, we will be getting together to talk about the whole project and what to do to successfully get a great grade in the class for this assignment.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This week has been a great week, so far, towards Homecoming. The bad news about it is that I'm not participating in it as I did last semester. It's a lot of fun and excited when in the activities, than actually watching them happen. Yesterday, Tuesday, October 5th, was my first time going to the Talent Show. Excited I was to watch such talented students, but the two main performers that had, actually, inspired me in my own talent, and who won in their events, are Mike Major-Freestyle Poet and my president of Poetic Summit organization on campus, and Rebecca-Female Dancer. Their performance was off-the-chain ecstatic. My friends are blessed inspirational individuals. Tomorrow, Thursday, October 7th, I cannot wait to arrive to watch the Air Jam, for I did not go last year as well. Homecoming of 2010 is amazingly a blessing!